Saturday, February 11, 2006

James Hansen v. Anti-Intellectualism

posted by Will
Institutionalized "science-denial" in this administration is more widespread than earlier reported, says James Hansen. NOAA has the same problems NASA has had. But, certainly, it cannot be more widespread than anyone who has paid any attention during the last 5 years knows it has been all along. This administration would probably simply rather not have any scientists affiliated with the government in any way (other than mercenary dismal scientists used to justify its tax policy). Scientists cause all sorts of problems when their research concludes that your policies are all bad.

First it was the two-bit tin-pot mini-dictator George Deutsch, hilariously unqualified and yet inexplicably granted a fiefdom in NASA. Who's next? Who is it at NOAA? How high up does the anti-intellectualism go? Does anyone really think it stops anywhere? Does it take an advanced degree to see that it goes all the way up to the Phronemophobe-in-Chief?


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