Lest Anyone Forget...
posted by Will

From the Wall Street Journal's Jeanne Cummings: 'A White House spokesman says Mr. Rove doesn't remember talking to Mr. Abramoff about Tyco. A spokesman for Mr. Abramoff declined to comment on whether he lobbied Mr. Rove on the issue. A Tyco spokeswoman says the company doesn't know what Mr. Abramoff did on its behalf. A tax provision Tyco opposed eventually was defeated.'
'"I support your efforts ... to strengthen the ethical standards of Washington," Mr. Bush declared in last week's State of the Union address. The White House has tried to move beyond ethics controversies after the indictment late last year of former vice-presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby in connection with the Central Intelligence Agency leak case. Mr. Rove hasn't yet been cleared in the investigation by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald."'
Just in case anyone had been completely distracted by all that's going on in the rest of the world ... nuclear threats, riots, insurgency, assassination attempts, economic crises of various kinds, etc., I thought a reminder would be appropriate: The White House is still in some trouble, mostly because of Karl Rove and his various shady tentacular relationships. Is President Bush still glad he didn't get Stinkweasel's ... er, Boogermonkey's ... I mean, Turdblossom's resignation? The administration is still very much tainted by this scandal, though you wouldn't know it the way it continues to assert its own quasimonarchic supremacy. You know what they say about a wounded Stinkweasel...
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